The basket arm and platform rotator complete the boom structure with a telescopic lever system, so you can maneuver the basket perfectly at height.
It can be ordered with several types of drive, such as 230V, which is the standard version, also with battery, Honda engine, or hybrid drive, i.e. with two drive modes at the same time.
The hydraulic outrigger ensures quick positioning in the work area. The control is easily serviceable, relay electro-hydraulic.
From the work basket, each function can be individually steplessly (proportionally) controlled with the small "fingertip" joysticks, which is essential for frequent careful approaches to the work area.
Standard equipment is the bottom control, with which all boom functions can be controlled with a medium speed.
The machine can also be ordered with wheel assist for easier access to the work area, so that a machine operator can comfortably perform his task alone with the machine even on worse (e.g. grassy, uphill) terrain.
The aluminum work basket is supplemented with a hand guard and a tool storage tray, or equipped with a double strap connection point, it provides comfort and complete safety for machine operators.